Definitely one of the Greatest Guitarist ever , Jimmy Page ( from the band Led Zeppelin ), Page has been described as "unquestionably one of the all-time most influential, important, and versatile guitarists and songwriters in rock history" ...
So to say, I, myself as a guitar player, am hugely influenced by him and I also treat him as my own Idol !...
Well, if you ask Why is he the Most Versatile , The reason is simple : his Riffs and Solos are a Perfect Blend of Hard Rock to Heavy Metal to Blues and Folk Rock ! With such a Beautiful Riff in " Stairway to Heaven " to a nice Heavy Metal kind of riff in 'Black-Dog' and ' Kashmir ' , and a Fascinating , highly acclaimed guitar solo In " Stairway To Heaven " , He has done it all!! ..

Then , again when I heard songs like "When The Levee Breaks" and "Since I've Been Loving You", I wondered if he was a Guitar God ! .. and he definitely is , guys , a Foremost Inspiration for all the guitar players of today ! ...
Page is also credited for beginning The Metal Era , with his Heavy Guitar Driven Distorted Sound in the band Led Zeppelin , and he is also featured in The Rolling Stones' Magazine for "The Best Guitarists of all Time " ...
His solos seem to convey his anguish , his emotions and joys too and the way he has done the solos in "Stairway to Heaven " is commendable ... Such a solo is quite impossible to Re-invent by any guitar player , anytime ! ...
Well, for those not familiar with this great guitarist , I am also posting some of his videos for you to have a taste of something you would have regretted if missed in your lifetime !!
Bron-Yr-Aur and In the Light on their album Physical Graffiti - simply the best. Two different sound - two wonderful masterpieces. The former shows of Page's subtle and calming style with the guitar and makes you feel that you're really there.
Hey ET's Gravity! Pleasure to have you on my blog! Well, I haven't heard 'Bron-Yr-Aur', but 'In the Light' is AWESOME ! Thanks for the mention! I'll go hear it out now. :)
Hey bearockr! i love your blog. its very in depth about everything. i keep wondering why i just found out about your blog now :). Anyway, Bron-Yr-Aur I must say is a song made in heaven. I hope you liked it. And In the Light, sure is awesome! Its still playing in my head nonstop :)) thanks for having me here in your blog!
Well E.T., you made my day! :D I'm really glad you liked my posts. When I had started blogging last year, I met so many bloggers online who know so much about rock n roll, and I myself got to learn a lot about many bands that I otherwise was unaware of. I just write what comes to my heart, rather than my mind, and that's what music is all about, isn't it?
For eg(I've written about this somewhere in my blog too), Hendrix's solos aren't too difficult to play as such or his riffs too complex, but he was a pioneer, a man who let his fingers play his heart out, and that's the reason He's the World's greatest guitarist ever! :D
Thanks for your comments E.T., appreciate that !
That's the plus of having a blog right. You meet this pretty interesting people and you learn a lot from them. I just started my blog too last year. I wasn't really into before, but since it's my way of taking out the things I keep bottled up inside me, like you, pretty much I write when I'm inspired and what's really on my heart. And YES, that's what music is all about. Let the music control you. Don't control it, let it flow to you.
Ahhh, music. I seriously believe it's gonna save us all.
Thank you too for coming now and then to my blog!
I like to play guitar very much but I don't know how to play? because I am not a guitarist. Great man. Is he is a great guitarist? Nice to hear.
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