Joseph "Satch" Satriani (born July 15, 1956 in Westbury, New York) is an American multi-instrumentalist, known as an instrumental rock guitarist... His students included Kirk Hammett of Metallica, David Bryson of Counting Crows, Kevin Cadogan from Third Eye Blind, Larry LaLonde of Primus / Possessed, Alex Skolnick of Testament, Rick Hunolt (ex-Exodus), Phil Kettner of Lääz Rockit, Geoff Tyson of T-Ride, and Charlie Hunter , And a special mention to the amazing Steve Vai, a solo guitarist ...
Well,, when for the first time I saw the G3 Concert on a CD, ofcourse ( Live in Denver and Live in Tokyo ), I was like "Wow"!! How did he do that ! .. Joe Satriani does so much of guitar tricks and takes out sounds from his guitar that its actually really difficult to figure out where that sound comes from ! I always used to play the CD on my computer and then take out my guitar and try to imitate the various sounds Satriani used to play , and with so much of effort and time , was able to figure out only a bit of his exceptional abilities !...,
I have 3 albums of Satriani- "Surfing With The Alien", "The Extremist", and "Not Of This Earth "... and every song of his albums is different and very unique ! From such a melodious solo in "Always With Me ,Always With You" to A nice heavy riff in "The Extremist" and then from a very different tone in "lords of karma" to the wonderful use of harmonics in "The Summer Song" , he has done it all ! You can never get bored listening to his Tracks , because each one is different , has completely different styles to offer !
Well, it has always been a dream of mine to go up the stage and perform with him in the G3 concert , but for the time being , I rejoice by jamming with him digitally !( through his CD and My Guitar at my home !! ) ...
Well, Here Are Some Great Videos Of The Distinguished Guitar Player --
Cool post! I know hardly anything about Joe (I know my dad likes his stuff), so that was interesting to read. :)
Hey, Thanks A Lot ! ... Your Dad Knows All This Stuff ?? He Must Be A Great Man For Sure , atleast for Me!.. I Love Meeting Such Music Lovers , Especially The Classic Rock Fans and Musicians ! Send My Regards To Him , Plz ...!
Satch is great! Loved seeing him live with Dream Theater back in 02 (thanks for your comments regarding my review of that concert).
I think my favorite song by him is Ceremony off The Crystal Planet album.
Hey Perplexio, No need to thank me for that comment, It was just a natural gesture that I really felt about that post and I am reading other of your posts too these days !
and yes, My favorite songs by Satch would be Ceremony, Why and Always with me Always with you !
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